
We sometimes write about the future of manufacturing, advances in AI and the growing importance of software in industrial use cases. We also write about who we are and the company we're building.

Machine things. Better

This is just a sneak peak of what we're up to. Reach out to learn more about how we're reimagining product industrialization at its core


We're encube, a deep tech software startup operating out of Sweden. We're fundamentally reimagining computer-aided industrialization for modern teams. It's collaborative, cloud-native, and highly AI-powered by design. Reach out to learn more and setup a demo session.


Check out our engineering blog to keep tabs on some of the more radical ideas we're pursuing.


We have a trail. Now we need blazers. If you're head over heels for AI, distributed computing, computer graphics and want to work on truly impactful problems, drop us a note and we'll chat.

Get in touch

Interested in getting in touch with us? Drop us a note at, and we'll get the conversation started!

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